Thursday, July 11, 2013

I Planned to Write This Earlier...

...but Mexicans don't plan anything. Meanwhile, I plan every hour of my life. It has been quite an interesting adjustment. Apparently one of my most common phrases is "What are the plans for today?" They just laugh and say, "We don't know. We have fun lives." Needless to say, Mexicans are awesome. They live life to the fullest by enjoying and absorbing every second in the present. After all, why should we worry about the future if God has it all figured out? Matthew 6:34 tells us that today has enough worries of its' own, so we shouldn't worry about tomorrow. I've learned that lesson time and time again, and am so incredibly grateful. I've learned to just accept the "Are you ready"/"ready for what" conversations that happen daily. It's helping me truly trust in my family and in the Lord.

On another note, my Avance Summer Team is awesome. I've really learned to confide in them with culture shock issues, laugh about our horrible Spanish, pray differently, and accept view points that are different than my own. We've done touristy things like visiting the Basilica and going to the Zocalo (the main square), but we've also been on multiple prayer walks and evangelism adventures! They are an incredible group of people that really inspire me. Just last week, we went on a 24 hour prayer retreat that helped us come up with expectations for ourselves for the month of July. It was great to be in nature and away from all the chaos in the city. We were given three hours to be with our Maker in silence, and let me tell you- I needed it more than I wanted to admit! I didn't realize that life gets so busy sometimes that we forget to be silent and enjoy God's presence. Thanks for the prayers during this time! God truly spoke.

Canaan, my roommate, and I have also gone to Toluca, as well as celebrated the San Pedro festival with my family. Learning about the culture here is incredibly vital to ministry, so I am soaking it all up for the YearOut. Romans 12:6-16 has been my motto this week. I have consistently tried to serve whole-heartidly by using my gifts, being genuine, persistent, cheerful, and willing. Make sure you read it-it's a good one! It has helped me a lot as I constantly yearn for the Lord.

As for other things happening in Mexico: Vacation Bible School is for two weeks and starts on Monday, so this might be my last blog post in Mexico until September. Please continue to pray for patience, continual adjustment, my family here and in the United States, my placements for the YearOut Program, safe travels back to the U.S., and a quick adjustment back into the American way of life.

Remember that I still have over $2,000 to raise by August 17th. If you would like to support me, please go to: Feel free to share my blog link or email address to others that would be interested in supporting me! Thank you for your continued love and support!