Monday, December 9, 2013

Letting Him Lead

"Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, Lord, Have never forsaken those who seek you.//En Ti confiaran los que conocen tu nombre, por cuanto tu, oh Jehova, no desamparaste a los que te buscaron" Psalm 9:10//Salmo 9:10

Many times we as Christians complain about not hearing God or not getting an answer from God. But, in my opinion, I think it is harder when we do get an answer, when we do hear that command, when we know exactly what the Lord wants from us. During those times, my first thoughts tend to be questioning like why, why, and are you sure?! Not rejoicing (as it should be). I always seem to doubt or question if God is really calling me to do something...but I´m learning that that´s not exactly the best way to communicate with God. Through learning about the Christmas story year after year, Mary doesn't say "Are you sure?" She says, "I am the Lord's servant. May it be to me as you have said." Luke 1:38 I want that. I'm trying to do that. it goes. I'm letting Him lead.

As you may know, this sounds pretty crazy for me. I am a natural born leader and like to make decisions for myself, so surrending fully isn't something I'm good at. But, time and time again in 2013 the Lord has called me to surrender, surrender, surrender. Since the Urbana Missions Conference when I met LAM (soon to be United World Mission), I knew that I was getting ready for a wild adventure.

Since June, I've spent most of my time as a missionary with LAM (with the exception of my visit to the States in August) and grown as a servant, a woman of Christ, a learner, a teacher, a daughter and sister, and most of all a follower. Being in a new culture with a different language forces you to continually be in a 'learner' frame of mind. At the beginning, I followed my summer facilitators around like a lost little puppy, and even now find myself following my mentors around the City as we venture to new places. Learning to follow and learning to be a 'learner' is an interesting experience, and I wouldn't change it for the world!

As I begin to reflect on my time in the D.F. by reading my journal and praying, I realized that most of the scripture that I have been meditating on has been focusing on following. I led worship for one of our team meetings about a month ago, and it was about Proverbs 3:5-6 (I trust in the Lord with all my heart and lean not on my own understanding. In all ways I acknowledge Him and He directs my paths) not realizing what God was asking for my life. It's so cool how God prepares us for our next chapters in life before we even begin to realize it.

Well, here it is. My next chapter. I am prematurely leaving Mexico in seven days when our Christmas break begins.When I bought my plane ticket over a month ago, I never thought that it would end up being a one-way ticket, but God knows exactly what He was doing. The day after I bought the ticket, and the many days to follow, God continuously confirmed through sermons, scripture, music, friends, and prayer that going home was my ministry. If you know me well enough, you know that this seems super feeling called to Virginia. to live at home. What? I know. I was shocked, too! I have such an international heart. I want to continue to travel, to learn about different cultures, to serve the people of Mexico, to learn more Spanish, etc. But after much fasting and prayer, I have a lot of peace about where the Lord is calling me next.

This news deeply saddens me-don't get me wrong! I am so in love with the D.F. I've learned how to live differently with the Lord's provision and guidance. Mexico has really challenged me to grow and to be more disciplined, and I am so thankful and blessed for that. I will miss my team, my mentors, both of my host families, my church families, my friends, and so much more. Mexico City will always have my heart.

Even though tears roll out of my eyes as I write this post, I am so overwhelmed with joy. I told church on Sunday that these goodbyes should be celebrations, because we are all following our callings that the Lord has placed on our hearts. Goodbyes are never fun, but I have the faith and strength to know that God has incredible plans for me and for them, as well. I'm confident that the Lord will continue to move in Mexico City, and He doesn't need me here to do that! He used me, and now it's my time to return home to Virginia to be with family. I still don't know what's to come in my future, but I know that I'm finally following and letting Him lead.

I will instruct you and teach you in the way in which you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you. Do not be like the horse or the mule, which have no understanding but must be controlled by bit and brittle or they will not come to you. Many are the woes of the wicked, but the Lord's unfailing love surrounds the man who trusts in Him. 
Psalms 32: 8-10

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Faith requires patience. Faith requires love. Faith requires endurance. It requires trails. Faith requires laughter. It requires both the good times and the bad times. Faith requires blindness. Faith requires obedience. It requires response.

In Mexico: walking, speaking in Spanish, laughing at ourselves constantly, watching too many sunrises when all we want to do is sleep, being stared at, leading bible studies, sharing testimonies, riding the metro, navigating the city...or helping Mexicans navigate the city (terrifying, I know...I'm just a gringa!), going to ministries, getting sick but knowing that healing is coming, living with strangers that we now consider family, trusting strangers, making friends, learning Spanish, etc. ALL have required so much faith.

Having faith in the Lord can be difficult. But, if it wasn't hard, I think that we would take advantage of how great God's faithfulness is for us. And, honestly, just how great He is! A couple of days ago, my family and I were riding back from one of our weekly bible studies and How Great Thou Art came on the radio (but of course it was in Spanish). We all kind of started humming, and then bursting into song when the chorus hit. I was overfilled with joy as we drove through the busy streets of the city. Even a two and five year old knew that God's faithfulness is great! It's so beautiful. I often forget about how much Jesus sacrificed for me, because I'm so preoccupied about what I "sacrificed" to be in Mexico. But let's be real for a second, I sacrificed next to n o t h i n g to follow the Lord on this journey. He continues to be the greatest teacher in my life, and I'm so thankful for that. The Lord is good. How Great Thou Art (Cuán Gran es Él)! 

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


I've been in Mexico for about a month and a half! The D.F. has really become like a home to me! I've had ups, downs, and lots of in betweens, but I truly feel like I'm growing in so many different ways. Migraines and a cold have been a struggle, but my body is finally adjusting to the altitude and climate. Thank you for your prayers in regards to my health! 

My team and leaders are incredible. They've been there for everything, and I am gracious for their love, hugs, and prayers through this time. My roommate, Robin, and my host family have been incredible with supporting me through my times of sickness and grumpiness. My team and Mexican friends and family are just incredible, so don't worry about me, Mom and Dad!

I haven't really had a chance to write much recently, so I thought that I would write a Q&A blog post answering each and every question. This post might be a tad long, but I hope that it helps explain everything related to Mexico and missions!

1. What is your daily schedule?

Sundays are full of church, ministries, and outreach. Mondays are our Sabbath with a bible study at night. Every Tuesday the group has a debrief meeting and talk referring to culture, history, and missions from one of our leaders or a Mexican leader in the community. Wednesdays are Spanish classes and work days. Team bible study and worship are on Thursdays, with Mana afterwards. (Mana is the after school program.) Fridays are Spanish classes and then Recobro. (Recobro is the safe home for women and children with mental disabilities.) Saturdays are full of family time, small groups, and then preparing for church!

2. What is something that you have had to learn to love about Mexico?

Great question! Going through culture shock surfaced a lot of things I have had to learn to love! Some of those include the metro, spontaneity, always being around people, and speaking Spanish. I've come to find out that I absolutely crave riding the metro-even during sweaty rush hour. Spontaneity and I have a love/hate relationship, but I'm okay with that! I'm still getting in the groove of finding alone time, but living on a roof with the ability to watch the sunrise and sunset is quite an encouragement! And there are definitely days I wish I was fluent in Spanish, but learning is a process.

3.What inspired you to be a missionary? How long ago did you know that it was what you were supposed to do?

I've always loved doing short term mission trips (especially international), so being a recent graduate seemed like the perfect opportunity to go abroad, be stretched, and just love on people for a while. I never really had one day where the heavens opened and God told me to go to Mexico, but lots of little things just added up. I started college wanting to be an elementary school teacher, but realized that was not what I was supposed to do right now! So, I picked up an international studies minor and later a Spanish minor with a general Liberal Studies degree. What was my plan with this degree? No idea. I just trusted in the Lord that He would give me guidance. In December, I went to a missions conference called Urbana in St. Louis. It was an incredible week of worship and talks that led me to Latin America Mission. Through learning about their programs, the YearOut fit best, so I prayed and the Lord provided! I'm not so sure that God has called me to be a full time missionary, but what I love about the YearOut Avance Program is that it is just a taste of missionary life. It's like an internship with Jesus! International discipleship is priceless, so I'm here as a learner to grow, serve, and show the love of Christ.   

4. What do I miss most about the States?

Family, friends, carpet, and mac and cheese. Hands down.

5. What has been your biggest challenge?

Migraines and Spanish!

6. Does your work in Mexico look like the work you did in Uganda?

No. While I value my experiences in Uganda so much, I am learning completely new things in Mexico City. In Uganda, I worked more with younger street children and in a boys home. Here in the D.F., I work alongside adolescents, live with a host family, am more independent, and work with women! It's definitely different, but I love the opportunities that the Lord has provided for my growth in Him.

7. What has God taught you recently?

He has taught me to be in complete thanksgiving all the time-even through trials. One of my favorite things about Spanish is that it is so easy to say thank you...after all it's "gracias!" What an easy one! When praying all you say is "Dios, gracias por..." (God, thank you for...) That's usually how every prayer starts. It has really shaped my prayer life and the way that I live in general. Finding how to constantly give thanks to the Lord has been such a growing experience for me.

8. What is your church like?

My host dad is the pastor of a smaller Baptist church in the northern part of the city. He is extremely committed to the church, which is very refreshing to see. It definitely keeps Robin and I occupied! Every Sunday morning before the service, a few members of the church and I do a "metro outreach program." You might be thinking that we are crazy, but people here definitely express themselves by selling things, singing, performing skits, and asking for money on the metro, so why not talk about Jesus? My dad does less than a two minute sermon and then we hand out pamphlets to people who are interested in hearing more. We do this from one metro stop to the next for almost an hour! Many, many people in Mexico have never heard of Jesus' love and grace before, so it is beautiful to reach out to people and give them a taste of Christianity. Each pamphlet has information on how to get plugged into a church, how to pray, and the basics about being a Christian. After the metro outreach, we head back to the church, have a bible study, and then worship and a sermon. At times I help with Sunday School, but I really enjoy hospitality and helping with the service, as well! We sing everything from hymns to Hillsong, and the church is just a beautiful family that truly reflects the Lord's love. 

9. What is one thing that you'd bring home from Mexico?

The obvious answer is my host families (from this summer and this fall). My second thing would be a Taco El Pastor oven thingy.. I don't know how to describe it. Look it up! Haha! It's the best type of taco meat around!

10. What have you learned about your own spirituality that you were unaware of before Mexico?  

I never realized how much I always demanded from God. I wanted this and that and never ceased asking the Lord to provide for me. Being forced to pray in Spanish has turned my prayers into constant thanksgiving. It has definitely carried over into my English prayers and perspective about how great our God truly is!

*I feel as though ten questions is enough for now! If you have more questions, feel free to leave a comment! I will be sure to answer it. :)

*If you have not already, please join my email list. I send at least one email a month to my friends, family, and supporters. If you'd like to join, email me at I also have a prayer team that I send more frequent emails to regarding more specific prayer requests. If you would like to join this team, email me! I would love to add you to one or both.

*Please continue to be in prayer for my host families, my team and our leaders, my health, fundraising, relationships, and for my church.

Have a blessed rest of your week! Thanks for reading :)

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Su Gracia

To be honest, the past few days have been quite discouraging. I've had a terrible migraine that prohibited me from going to my ministries and lots of thoughts to distract me. One of my biggest worries these past few weeks has been about student loans. Being a recent graduate and worrying about money is not that as I moved to a foreign country and applied to pay my loans later, I thought everything was going to be fine. On the contrary, I was rejected from postponing my loans this week.

Then, yesterday morning I got on my account just to check on the status of my loans-and everything has been postponed... And next to each loan it says "in grace." Um. Ok. That's different. Whether that's common language in loans or not, that phrase isn't too common in my daily vocabulary. 

God's grace is truly overwhelming me! Sometimes, i just have to get over my own stubbornness, and ask him to cover me in His power and love. After all, He is in control, not me. I'm sure that my struggle with student loans and distracting thoughts isn't over, but I know that His grace is sufficient. His grace covers all-even my biggest fears. My prayer for you is that you continue to be wrapped in His grace, too! 

Please continue to be in prayer for culture shock, my brain, and unexpected miracles as I enter my third week in the D.F. This week is full of fun plans, bible studies, and my first full days in ministry (since my migraine forced me to rest)! Thank you for all of your support. As always, please let me know how I can be praying for you by emailing me at

Thursday, October 3, 2013


When I was about ten, my grandparents invited my sister and I to accompany them on their Florida vacation. One day,  my grandparents invited my sister and I to swim with manatees in the wild. We were so excited! When the day came, we weren't nervous at all. We hopped in the water, laughed a bit, and started searching through our goggles for these mysterious creatures. We saw one way off in the distance "quickly" approaching. (If you don't know, manatees move extremely slow). Lizzy and I began to panic. We started kicking our legs and stirred up the water on accident. We could no longer see this giant mammal heading towards us in the murky waters. We both panicked and asked the instructor what to do. He calmly said, "just float, relax, and prepare yourself to see something great. It won't hurt you. You are extremely safe." That was the last thing we wanted to hear. RELAX? Are you kidding me? A giant animal is swimming towards us, and he wants us to float? We listened, but definitely hesitated. Needless to say, these giant "water potatoes" were approachable, gentle, and quite friendly. That day is a day I'll always cherish, despite the fear I had in the beginning.

When I felt that God wanted me here in Mexico, I was excited and ready. But as the days came closer, I started doubting. Is He really sure I'm supposed to be here? Am I prepared? What was I supposed to do in one of the biggest cities in the world? I asked Him, and He said to "relax and wait to see something great." My response was just about the same with the manatees...

Today we had a team meeting full of worship and bible study. During our worship time, the image of that giant manatee came into my mind. Seriously-I haven't thought about that in years! But all the sudden, all my worries an anticipation about ministries starting this week disappeared! I've been so preoccupied about teaching my own class at Maná and starting to work at Recobro, that I haven't gotten too excited yet. But, as I picture this sweet, giant creature gliding through the water coming towards me, I couldn't help but compare it to my ministries. The murky waters are really blurring my vision for what I'm supposed to 'do,' but my ultimate Instructor is telling me to float, relax, and to prepare myself to see something great.

I don't know exactly what this "something great" is going to be quite yet, but I'm excited to see how God is already working here. I'm pumped to be hands-on in His mission in the D.F. 

I just wanted to share that image with you. Whenever you see a giant opportunity coming your way and the water churns up, float, relax, and wait on something great. Don't get discouraged or give up! "He is with you always, even to the end of the age." Matthew 28:20

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Take Heart

It has officially been one week in the D.F. (Districto Federal)! I am still adjusting, but loving every second. Latin America Mission (soon to partner with United World Mission) has a very beneficial program for the YearOuters where we take Spanish classes, have weekly training meetings, and are also involved in an inductive bible study together. Each of these aspects has begun, and I am so excited! While I have not yet moved in with my host family or begun my ministry placements, everything is underway. The team is fantastic, goofy, and in constant awe of the goodness of Jesus. We are excited to build each other up this year as we seek the Lord in our different ministries. I will be meeting with my ministries and moving in with my host family starting this weekend, and I’m thrilled to continue being a learner through this process!

Please be in prayer for the YearOut Team (Lizzie, Robin, Erik, and I), culture adjustment, and that the Lord continues to be a presence here. I am also currently seeking more monthly supporters. It is a necessity to raise a sufficient amount each month in order to continue to work here, and I am humbly asking for your participation. Are you interested in joining my support team? To give, please go to: If you would like to become more prayerfully involved in what God is doing in the D.F., please let me know if you’d like to be added to my Prayer Team by sending me an email at

“Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.” Psalm 27:14

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Great Is Thy Faithfulness

Gloria a Dios! (Glory to God) This week has been a phenomenal week of “see-you-laters,” support-raising, and hugs. You all truly inspire me and keep me going during this time of preparation!

During my last week in the States, God has been revealing himself in amazing ways. On Thursday, I had the privilege of going back to Longwood University and speaking at BCM (a campus organization that I was heavily involved with during my undergraduate career). The overflowing joy and encouragement in that room on Thursday was more than I could have ever fathomed. My campus minister asked me to speak about life as a missionary, but for some reason I couldn't get over the fact that being a missionary is not just about laboring. Therefore, I talked about being in “sponge mode” for Jesus as we live out our daily lives by soaking up His holy presence. I think that a huge part of life as a missionary is soaking up His love, forgiveness, and grace. Being a missionary is not just “doing,” it’s “being.”

While remaining in sponge mode myself, I have grown in thanksgiving for how the Lord is preparing me for my official placements. I will be working at the Centro del Recobro, which is a safe house for women and children with mental disabilities who have been abandoned or abused. My second placement is with Mana, which is an after-school program for underprivileged children. Both of these placements are incredibly exciting, and I can’t wait to share stories with you about both!

If you do not already receive my monthly newsletters via email, please contact me at I would be happy to add you. If you would also like to take part of my prayer team, contact me as well. This is for individuals who commit to praying for me on a regular basis and have asked to receive specific prayer requests on an immediate-need basis.

As I count down the hours to my 9:30am departure on Tuesday, please continue to pray for me, my placements, my new host family, and Mexico City. Pray for my other team members who are anxiously waiting to see how the Lord is going to work through them in Mexico, as well. Pray for our safety, smooth travels, health, and final preparations as we deploy. Once again, thank you for your love and prayers. I will hopefully update my blog within the next month or so!

Until then, adios y Dios te bendiga! (Goodbye and God bless you!)

Ps. I would love to invite you to the next fundraiser held at St. Marks United Methodist Church (1151 Lucks Lane, Midlothian, VA, 23114) on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26TH FROM 11AM-2PM. The UMM have committed to helping me fund raise by selling BBQ chicken dinners for anyone in the area. If you love BBQ, supporting missions, and live near Richmond, please stop by!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Martha and Mary

This past five weeks in the States has been absolutely incredible. I am floored by how much grace God has showed me, how many hugs I've received, and how much support I have from you all. Thank you for everything. Thanks be to God with His many blessings in our lives! He is so good.

I am glad that I have had the opportunity to travel up and down the East Coast visiting friends and family, as well as raise support. Thank you to the churches, the small groups, and the individuals that have made my fundraising go smoothly. While I still have a ways to go, I greatly appreciate each of your support.

Throughout the past month and a half, I couldn't help but read the Martha and Mary story again and again. If you look at Luke 10:38-42, it talks about sisters (Martha and Mary) who welcome Jesus into their house. While Mary sits at Jesus’ feet and enjoys His presence, Martha is busy cleaning the house and making it look presentable. While cleaning, she asks Jesus to make Mary help her. His response goes a little something like “Hey Martha. Chill. Mary is hanging out with me. She isn't preoccupied or distracted with a to-do list. She’s enjoying her company.” Obviously, those aren't his real words, but it definitely makes you think, right?

It always makes me take a step back and look at my life. I am constantly busy running errands, getting coffee dates, cleaning, or preparing for something. But when do I ever just sit and enjoy His holy presence? Being home has taught me to relax and trust in the Lord more and more. While I just want to be running around “feeling productive” God calls me to just sit with Him. When do we ever just sit and enjoy the Lord? It is pretty difficult when we have thoughts running through our heads constantly. We have homework to worry about, job searching that stresses us out, problems with friends, addictions that consume our bodies and minds….but think about this story. Martha is complaining that she has SO much to do that she interrupts Jesus. We shouldn’t be interrupting Jesus. We should be demanding Jesus to interrupt OUR lives. We need Jesus. We need a Savior, but we also need time for Him to save us. We need to be learning and listening to Jesus, just as Mary does in this story. Martha was wrong in being “distracted by all the preparations that had to be made.” (v. 40) Jesus responds saying that Mary “has chosen what is better.” It sure makes me think.

Even today, 5 days from departure, I have quite the lengthy to-do list, but first on my list should be sitting and enjoying His blessings. I should be soaking up his love, spirit, and forgiveness, not worrying about checking things off my list.

But, I should make myself clear. The Bible also says that man is also made to work. From Genesis 2 throughout the rest of the Bible, it talks about laboring for the Lord, etc. In Genesis 2:15, God put man in the Garden of Eden to “work and take care of it.” So, that being said, yes we do indeed need to spend quiet time with the Lord, but not turning that into laziness and gluttony.

My prayer for you is that you continuously seek to find alone time with God, that you rejoice in all His blessings in your life, and that you go, read this story, and ask what God, Himself, is trying to reveal to you through this passage.

I eagerly await my departure on Tuesday morning, but until then, I “will rejoice in the Lord always.” (Phil 4:4)

Saturday, August 10, 2013

July Adventures

Howdy from the U.S! Here are some of my thoughts from my last three weeks in Mexico!

Vacation Bible School:

My last two weeks in Mexico City were spent volunteering with my church to put on the largest VBS (escuelita) in our community. There were over 200 children! It was a lot of work, to say the least. Both Canaan and I were pretty sick off and on, which was incredibly unfortunate. But, our stubbornness helped us push through so we could see our "niños"! We were blessed with the opportunity of working with the four-year olds, who taught me a lot about Mexican culture, family life, the proper way to glue, how to laugh after spinning around in circles too many times, how to sing your heart out to Jesus, how to hug and never let go, how to love innocently, and how to be curious about absolutely everything. The Bible tells us in Matthew 18:2-5 that Jesus wants us to come to Him like little children-curious, innocent, and humble. Mark 10:13-16 gives another example of when Jesus said that people will never enter the Kingdom if they do not receive it like little children. I challenge you to observe and learn from the little children in your life. The Mexican kids I worked with did that for me.

What was your ministry?:

Since being home, people have asked me questions like "So what exactly did you do?" "Did you build a house?" "Did you pray for people on the streets?" The list goes on and on. What my blog and Facebook lack are testimonies of people seeking for the Lord and asking me to pray with them, to direct them, and to answer their questions. While I was in Mexico, I did not build houses, build wheelchair ramps, or visit hospitals. But, the mission field is so much grander than that. The Lord calls us to be servants. Meanwhile, He provides the opportunities. I believe that the Lord wanted me to plant seeds this summer, not to see the fruits of my labor. I learned a vital lesson these past two months. The field of missions is not solely works. It is relationships, laughter, questions, prayers, support, and trust. I believe that the Lord is using me, but sometimes I cannot provide concrete details. People have trusted me with their past, present, and future. I would be betraying many people if I blurted out their stories on social media. Please trust in that and know that even though it is frustrating to not always see the final outcome, God is still at work.

There were many times in Mexico where I waited-waited for the metro, waited in line, waited for my family, waited to go to sleep, waited to eat, and waited to see friends. God taught me that in life, I always seem to wait. But, I challenge you to ask yourself this question: What would life look like without waiting? In my opinion, life would be free, enjoyable, and fulfilling. The Lord's presence would ring out true. It would empower people to stand, rejoice, and absorb every bit of His love! Let's think about it. Would we rather sit in a garden day after day just to stare at the soil, or would we rather plant that seed and spend our days loving others, dancing, rejoicing, and trusting that the Lord is going to take care of it? I think that I chose option two most of the time in Mexico. Yes, there are many pictures of me exploring, spending time with my Mexican family, and just being goofy. But, I am just waiting and trusting that I was used. God might use someone else to water those plants. I am confident in knowing that the Lord used me to put that seed in the soil and am thankful for that opportunity, though. God wants to use each of us. Learn to give your life to Him-you might not see the results right away (or ever), but be content in knowing that the Lord is changing lives through you everyday.

Looking Forward: Plans for America, Funding, Placements:

With all that happened with me this summer, I am so excited to get back to the Cuidad de Mexico! But first I need to fund raise! If you would like to  hear me speak, I will be at an event held through Calvary Chapel Farmville on August 23rd. I currently have about $1,500 left to raise by the end of this month. Please pray for my patience and confidence in the Lord during this time. After this deadline, I need to start raising funds for the spring. If you feel called to give, but haven't yet, now is your chance!

During the YearOut Program, I will most likely be living with a new family and working in a multitude of different ministries. These ministries will range anywhere from street outreach, after-school programs with under-privileged youth, and working in a home for women and children with mental disabilities who have been abused or abandoned. I am still uncertain with my placements, but will update my blog as soon as I find out.

Remember that the Lord is sufficient. He is enough for you. He is enough for me. He alone will carry us through trying times. Read 2 Corinthians 12:1-10. It really helped me be in constant thanksgiving for what blessings I do have in life. Even in my many weaknesses in Mexico, He is perfect. He sustains us. We just have to believe that He is sufficient in our lives, and He will be glorified.

Until next time...


Thursday, July 11, 2013

I Planned to Write This Earlier...

...but Mexicans don't plan anything. Meanwhile, I plan every hour of my life. It has been quite an interesting adjustment. Apparently one of my most common phrases is "What are the plans for today?" They just laugh and say, "We don't know. We have fun lives." Needless to say, Mexicans are awesome. They live life to the fullest by enjoying and absorbing every second in the present. After all, why should we worry about the future if God has it all figured out? Matthew 6:34 tells us that today has enough worries of its' own, so we shouldn't worry about tomorrow. I've learned that lesson time and time again, and am so incredibly grateful. I've learned to just accept the "Are you ready"/"ready for what" conversations that happen daily. It's helping me truly trust in my family and in the Lord.

On another note, my Avance Summer Team is awesome. I've really learned to confide in them with culture shock issues, laugh about our horrible Spanish, pray differently, and accept view points that are different than my own. We've done touristy things like visiting the Basilica and going to the Zocalo (the main square), but we've also been on multiple prayer walks and evangelism adventures! They are an incredible group of people that really inspire me. Just last week, we went on a 24 hour prayer retreat that helped us come up with expectations for ourselves for the month of July. It was great to be in nature and away from all the chaos in the city. We were given three hours to be with our Maker in silence, and let me tell you- I needed it more than I wanted to admit! I didn't realize that life gets so busy sometimes that we forget to be silent and enjoy God's presence. Thanks for the prayers during this time! God truly spoke.

Canaan, my roommate, and I have also gone to Toluca, as well as celebrated the San Pedro festival with my family. Learning about the culture here is incredibly vital to ministry, so I am soaking it all up for the YearOut. Romans 12:6-16 has been my motto this week. I have consistently tried to serve whole-heartidly by using my gifts, being genuine, persistent, cheerful, and willing. Make sure you read it-it's a good one! It has helped me a lot as I constantly yearn for the Lord.

As for other things happening in Mexico: Vacation Bible School is for two weeks and starts on Monday, so this might be my last blog post in Mexico until September. Please continue to pray for patience, continual adjustment, my family here and in the United States, my placements for the YearOut Program, safe travels back to the U.S., and a quick adjustment back into the American way of life.

Remember that I still have over $2,000 to raise by August 17th. If you would like to support me, please go to: Feel free to share my blog link or email address to others that would be interested in supporting me! Thank you for your continued love and support!

Thursday, June 20, 2013


Of course I have lots of stories for you, but I'll try to refrain from rambling (but I'm not making any promises!) I'll start with some funny stories just so you can get the gist of my Mexican life through the past week!

Firstly, I have had some crazy dreams here the past few nights, from Lizzy having a house party while my dad went to Foodlion, taking the metro to "universidad de Richmond" instead of the usual commute towards the "Universidad" metro stop every morning, and protecting One Direction from crazy fans by hiding them in a refrigerator. (I blame the last one on my siblings, since they took Canaan and I on a "tour"of their refrigerator to learn more words in Spanish). 

From Father's Day adventures, trying raw fish, going to Six Flags, prayer walks in the rain, and dancing with Ian (my four year old cousin) in the car to Madonna, I think that I've learned a lot from the Lord and how He provides (experiences, finances, opportunities, and laughter) in crazy ways!

Yesterday I finished this book called Crazy Love by Frances Chan. I couldn't have imagined a better place and time for me to read such an amazing book. The entire book pushes the reader to be crazy in love with Christ, no matter how weird that may be. He said "Having faith often means doing what others see as crazy. Something is wrong when our lives make sense to unbelievers." Called. Out. Wow... Then he proceeds to say "He calls us to trust him so COMPLETELY that we are unafraid to put ourselves in situations where we will be in trouble if he doesn't come through." Feel free to read that last quote again and again. I had to.

Then, there is this chapter about being obsessed. Yes. Obsessed. "Obsessed people are more concerned with obeying God then doing what is expected...a person who is obsessed with Jesus will 
do things that don't always make sense..." That means that being a Christian means to be crazy in love (or obsessed) with our Maker. What a commitment!

With this crazy love in my heart, I will try my hardest to serve the people in Mexico for the next six weeks. My ministries will hopefully include some form of discipleship with the young people in my church, reading the Bible in English with friends who want to learn English, home visits with my pastor, childrens' ministries, and cross-denominational worship and evangelism. Some of these have already started, but that is just a rough update about what's to come!

Please continue to pray for my heart and emotional strength throughout this time of transition. Please also keep my team and their health in your prayers. Colds and stomach bugs have started circulating, so prayers would be much appreciated. Also, since we are starting our third week in Mexico, culture shock is starting to set in for a lot of us! Pray that we can really set our hearts and minds solely on Christ. He has control and we just have to endure the changes that come with letting go of the things we know.

My prayer is that you become obsessed with God this week by loving more and finding joy and peace in the chaos.

:) Abrazos

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Hello all you lovely people! Well.. I literally can't think of one perfect title for my first blog post in Mexico, so here you go.. you get multiple!

- Hostels, Highways, and Hallelujahs
- ¿Ke$ha?
- I Should Have Studied More
- Having a Popular Dad Has Its Perks

Obviously, you might not get the gist of what my time has been like with these titles, so I will try to elaborate.

Hostels, Highways, and Hallelujahs
As soon as I landed in Atlanta, I met up with another girl doing the same two programs that I am, named Lizzie. She is incredible, and we talked the ENTIRE flight.. yes. We were "those girls."As soon as we landed and met up with some LAM leaders, tons of girls flooded the gates.. We didn't know who was coming, but it must be a Mexican celebrity, right? Needless to say, we were pumped. All of the sudden they started English. We were incredibly confused-Maybe it was a Mexican bilingual celebrity? What? We didn't know, but acted like little girls excited for ice cream. After a couple minutes they started chanting "Uno Dirección, Uno Dirección, Uno Dirección" YEP! You guessed it. One Direction was in the airport! Haha! Apparently, they had a couple concerts this weekend in Mexico City? ¡Que bueno! (How cool). We didn't end up sticking around to see if they were actually there, but you get the picture of my first memory in Mexico. Hallelujah for friends, laughter, and immediate conversation starters! Then, we headed to the hostel where we had orientation for a few days. Public transportation could have it's own blog post, but long story short, 20 million people in one city... highways, metros, buses, etc. are constantly packed! Lizzie and I braved the chaos and rode the metro to the hostel with my leaders. (I'm still not sure if that was the best idea yet). It was incredible getting to know the other 11 team members though, and I think we are going to work incredibly well together! More stories to come for sure.

Culture in Mexico City is quite unique. I didn't realize how much of an impact Americans and the U.S. have on Mexico, especially Mexico City. One of the first songs I heard was Ke$ha's, and I'm not too sure if that reflects our home in the greatest light. But, I absolutely love being able to connect with my host family over our love for iphones, music, and food, but it is still super interesting!

I Should Have Studied More
Spanish. Is. Hard. Even though I've taken 7 college level Spanish classes, been in three Spanish speaking countries, and have international friends, does not mean that I know Spanish. Class is tough at times, and I definitely struggle to understand my family. And, side conversations in the metro? Forget about it! I should have studied more. I'm obviously picking up a ton of slang and vocabulary, but there is still so much to learn. One thing I know is that I should have spoken, studied, and written more for my Spanish classes. So, for all you students out there who are taking their language class for a general requirement, watch out-you might move there for 14 months...

Having a Popular Dad Has Its Perks
On Saturday, Canaan (my new roommate) and I met our family for the first time. We have a mom, dad, a brother (18), and a sister (20). They are incredible individuals and I am learning so much from them already. My neighborhood is so close and they all know each other. Well, at least that is what Canaan and I think. Maybe our dad is just super popular? One thing I really appreciate about Mexican culture is how relationships are more important than work. You might think "Well-duh!" But, let me prove you wrong. If you saw a friend walking by, would you just wave or would you literally drop everything, run to them and genuinely ask how they are doing? Would your pastor want you to interrupt them after church just so they can make sure you are well? Would you honk to one of your friends, pull over, have a 5 minute conversation with someone when you are over 30 minutes late to a meeting? Would you ride public transportation for 6 hours a day just to make sure your daughters got to school okay? Would you shake hands with everyone in a room full of over 20 people when saying bye, just to acknowledge the presence of each individual? Would you talk to the bus driver and brag about your new daughters while he meanders through the streets of Mexico City? Would you leave your work behind to spend hours upon hours watching tv, eating, and talking with your family? These are the incredible people I am living with this summer. Mexican culture is amazing-and my family has definitely shown me that over the past few days. Having a popular dad has it's perks.

Serving alongside the servant-hearted has been an incredible experience already. Although we've only been "downtown" a few times, been to church once (or multiple times in one day in my case), started Spanish classes, and just getting our feet wet with Mexican culture, I know that the next two months (and year) will be an incredible experience. In the next week I will hopefully write another post about the ministries that I will be helping with and more about my church family here, but I'm running out of time for tonight. Please know that I am safe, full (all the time), laughing, and learning. Please keep my team in your prayers with their health and culture shock, too! Thank you for your support, and check back soon.


Tuesday, June 4, 2013

June 5th

Tomorrow’s the day! Thank you for all your support. I am busy running last minute errands, but my bags are mostly packed! Remember that I will be in the States August 2nd-September 17th, so please let me know if I can come stop by. The Lord is so good.

Please pray that my family can adjust easily to me being away, for our safety, and  for the LAM leaders and staff that will be mentoring us throughout the summer. Also, please pray about my Spanish (or lack thereof). I will have an opportunity to take some Spanish classes while being immersed in the culture, and I know that those classes will be necessary! Pray for patience, confidence, and that the Lord can speak through me.

If you would like to receive more specific updates about my trip, please send me your email at Have a fantastic, safe, and blessed summer. I look forward to hearing from you!

With Love,


Saturday, June 1, 2013

Schedules, Schedules, Schedules

Happy June 1st!

That means it's only four days until I leave for the beautiful Mexico City! Many of you asked about my schedule and plans for the next few months, so here are all the answers (that I know so far)...We know how God changes our plans constantly, so I'm not too sure how accurate this will be five minutes from now.

The next four days are packed full of goodbyes, letter writing, studying/fasting/meditating on God's word, road trips, and cramming my belongings into a tiny suitcase. Then, the real adventure starts!

My flight leaves on Wednesday at 7am Virginia time. I have an hour layover in Atlanta, then fly into Mexico City! I arrive in Mexico at 12:30pm (Mexico City time-an hour behind VA).

That night starts a two day orientation where I will take Spanish placement tests, start classes, meet my team/team leaders, meet my host family, and be placed in a ministry. For two months I will be working in this ministry daily, venturing around Mexico, speaking Spanish constantly, and learning more about our Maker!! I'm excited to serve alongside 11 other individuals from all over Canada/United States for these two months! Don't worry, I will have plenty of incredible stories to share.

On the afternoon of August 2nd, I will leave Mexico City for six weeks and head back to Richmond. Starting August 3rd, I will be speaking at churches/youth groups, fundraising, visiting friends and family, and sharing my experiences. If your church or group would like to hear from me, please email me at I would love to partner with you and your organization through Latin America Mission! I will be in the States August 3rd-September 17th.

On the morning of the 17th, I will go back to Mexico until August 2014 for the YearOut Program. I am fully funded for the Summer Immersion Program, but am actively searching for supporters for the YearOut Program. It is $1,100 a month starting in September that covers room and board, as well as any in-country expenses. If you would like to support me, whether that is one-time or monthly, it is greatly appreciated. I sincerely love each one of you and your generous spirits. Your prayers and support are necessary in this time in my life.

Please pray this week specifically for our safety, the other eleven participants, the LAM staff, our team leaders, and the people of Mexico City. As always, thank you for your kind words and inspiring hearts. I would not be here without you and what you have done in my life.

If I do not get a last chance to write on Tuesday, I will update once I arrive! It most likely will be in a couple weeks once I get settled!

Thanks for reading!

With lots of love,

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Mark 10:45

TWO MORE WEEKS! In exactly 13 days from now, I will  board the flight to Mexico City! I cannot believe it is so close. The past few months have been incredibly: stressful, exciting, emotional, life changing, powerful, happy, speedy, sad, joyous, etc. You get the picture!
Since I last posted, I've graduated from Longwood University with a BS in Liberal Studies and a double minor in Spanish and International Studies. I've moved out of my apartment and back home in Richmond. I've seen my boyfriend, Mark, graduate from VCU and helped him move into his new apartment in Athens, NY. I've been to California on vacation to visit family. I've had multiple dreams about life in Mexico. I've reminisced about college and have even been blessed enough to visit friends already. Let's just say I've been on quite the emotional roller coaster...
And now I have to pack my bags and move to Mexico?! You've gotta be crazy!

But...the Lord does some pretty incredible things to push us into service for Him. Mark 10:45 says that not EVEN the Son of man came to be serveD, but TO SERVE. We, as people, are supposed to serve. Daily. Yes, daily. How do each of us go about that, though? In many crazy, awesome, different ways.

My new way of serving is going to be moving to Mexico. When I attended Urbana Missions Conference in 2009, I knew I wanted to commit to missions in some aspect of my life, but I didn't necessarily know what that was. As you may know, Urbana09 led me to travel to Kampala, Uganda for a short term mission trip. I returned the following year and led an incredible team. This is when I knew I was being called to fulfill my life as a missionary in some way. Many people stop me right here and say, “But Amanda, people like you are needed right here in the U.S. too!” My response is generally something like, “That is why you are staying here. You are called to fulfill that role. God asked me to go. Maybe He is asking you to stay right where you are and serve. Maybe He is asking that you go to grad school, to transfer schools, to quit your job, to be teacher, to take a "pointless" internship, to start at an entry-level job that seems lame, to get to know the person in the cubicle next to serve." Help is needed everywhere, and I totally understand that, but I have this burning passion in my heart to travel to serve, but that isn't for everyone!

Neither here nor there is necessarily ‘better,’ it’s just different plans that the Lord has for us. When I attended the Urbana Conference again last December, I knew I was in for it. “It” was a mystery, but I was ready. I discovered LAM and immediately knew that this is what God has asked of me all along. I picked up my two minors (Spanish and International Studies) for no ‘real’ reason…until now. It all makes sense! Now is the time for me to GO. Now is the time for me to serve in Mexico City!

I am asking that you continually pray for me. Specifically, pray for my emotions! You all know that I like change, but I do NOT like goodbyes. Two months is quite awhile, and it'll be interesting to see how I handle it! Pray that I have provision and strength when I first enter the city. Pray for culture shock and how I handle chaotic situations. 

Thank you for your support and love. I will be updating again very soon.


Sunday, April 21, 2013

Dear Friends and Family,

It is happening! I am officially going to be a missionary. Yes-a missionary. I didn't think I would ever come to this point in my life, nor am I ready. But somehow God thinks I can do it, so all I can do is fully trust and follow Him! I'm incredibly excited to embark on a new journey to serve the Lord in Mexico City for a year.

I will be completing two different programs with Latin America Mission. The first Summer Immersion Program is from June 5th-August 2nd. The second program is from September 17th-mid August 2014. I'm not quite sure where I'll be placed yet or what my day to day will look like, but I'm content in knowing that I will be challenged, led, and loved by other missionaries, LAM, and the people of Mexico City.

Please be in prayer for me as I prepare my heart for this new endeavor. I'm not sure what's to come, but I am so incredibly blessed to have this upcoming experience in my life. I can't wait to share this year with you, to laugh with you about my horrible Spanish, to skype your family, to be updated about Longwood life, to pray with you, and to potentially have some of your visit me!

Thank you for your emotional, prayerful, and financial support. I would not be where I am in life without your love and encouragement. Thanks for being there through it all! Please contact me with any questions, stories, and prayer requests that you have!

Looking forward to hearing from you,
Amanda :)