Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Take Heart

It has officially been one week in the D.F. (Districto Federal)! I am still adjusting, but loving every second. Latin America Mission (soon to partner with United World Mission) has a very beneficial program for the YearOuters where we take Spanish classes, have weekly training meetings, and are also involved in an inductive bible study together. Each of these aspects has begun, and I am so excited! While I have not yet moved in with my host family or begun my ministry placements, everything is underway. The team is fantastic, goofy, and in constant awe of the goodness of Jesus. We are excited to build each other up this year as we seek the Lord in our different ministries. I will be meeting with my ministries and moving in with my host family starting this weekend, and I’m thrilled to continue being a learner through this process!

Please be in prayer for the YearOut Team (Lizzie, Robin, Erik, and I), culture adjustment, and that the Lord continues to be a presence here. I am also currently seeking more monthly supporters. It is a necessity to raise a sufficient amount each month in order to continue to work here, and I am humbly asking for your participation. Are you interested in joining my support team? To give, please go to: If you would like to become more prayerfully involved in what God is doing in the D.F., please let me know if you’d like to be added to my Prayer Team by sending me an email at

“Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.” Psalm 27:14

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Great Is Thy Faithfulness

Gloria a Dios! (Glory to God) This week has been a phenomenal week of “see-you-laters,” support-raising, and hugs. You all truly inspire me and keep me going during this time of preparation!

During my last week in the States, God has been revealing himself in amazing ways. On Thursday, I had the privilege of going back to Longwood University and speaking at BCM (a campus organization that I was heavily involved with during my undergraduate career). The overflowing joy and encouragement in that room on Thursday was more than I could have ever fathomed. My campus minister asked me to speak about life as a missionary, but for some reason I couldn't get over the fact that being a missionary is not just about laboring. Therefore, I talked about being in “sponge mode” for Jesus as we live out our daily lives by soaking up His holy presence. I think that a huge part of life as a missionary is soaking up His love, forgiveness, and grace. Being a missionary is not just “doing,” it’s “being.”

While remaining in sponge mode myself, I have grown in thanksgiving for how the Lord is preparing me for my official placements. I will be working at the Centro del Recobro, which is a safe house for women and children with mental disabilities who have been abandoned or abused. My second placement is with Mana, which is an after-school program for underprivileged children. Both of these placements are incredibly exciting, and I can’t wait to share stories with you about both!

If you do not already receive my monthly newsletters via email, please contact me at I would be happy to add you. If you would also like to take part of my prayer team, contact me as well. This is for individuals who commit to praying for me on a regular basis and have asked to receive specific prayer requests on an immediate-need basis.

As I count down the hours to my 9:30am departure on Tuesday, please continue to pray for me, my placements, my new host family, and Mexico City. Pray for my other team members who are anxiously waiting to see how the Lord is going to work through them in Mexico, as well. Pray for our safety, smooth travels, health, and final preparations as we deploy. Once again, thank you for your love and prayers. I will hopefully update my blog within the next month or so!

Until then, adios y Dios te bendiga! (Goodbye and God bless you!)

Ps. I would love to invite you to the next fundraiser held at St. Marks United Methodist Church (1151 Lucks Lane, Midlothian, VA, 23114) on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26TH FROM 11AM-2PM. The UMM have committed to helping me fund raise by selling BBQ chicken dinners for anyone in the area. If you love BBQ, supporting missions, and live near Richmond, please stop by!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Martha and Mary

This past five weeks in the States has been absolutely incredible. I am floored by how much grace God has showed me, how many hugs I've received, and how much support I have from you all. Thank you for everything. Thanks be to God with His many blessings in our lives! He is so good.

I am glad that I have had the opportunity to travel up and down the East Coast visiting friends and family, as well as raise support. Thank you to the churches, the small groups, and the individuals that have made my fundraising go smoothly. While I still have a ways to go, I greatly appreciate each of your support.

Throughout the past month and a half, I couldn't help but read the Martha and Mary story again and again. If you look at Luke 10:38-42, it talks about sisters (Martha and Mary) who welcome Jesus into their house. While Mary sits at Jesus’ feet and enjoys His presence, Martha is busy cleaning the house and making it look presentable. While cleaning, she asks Jesus to make Mary help her. His response goes a little something like “Hey Martha. Chill. Mary is hanging out with me. She isn't preoccupied or distracted with a to-do list. She’s enjoying her company.” Obviously, those aren't his real words, but it definitely makes you think, right?

It always makes me take a step back and look at my life. I am constantly busy running errands, getting coffee dates, cleaning, or preparing for something. But when do I ever just sit and enjoy His holy presence? Being home has taught me to relax and trust in the Lord more and more. While I just want to be running around “feeling productive” God calls me to just sit with Him. When do we ever just sit and enjoy the Lord? It is pretty difficult when we have thoughts running through our heads constantly. We have homework to worry about, job searching that stresses us out, problems with friends, addictions that consume our bodies and minds….but think about this story. Martha is complaining that she has SO much to do that she interrupts Jesus. We shouldn’t be interrupting Jesus. We should be demanding Jesus to interrupt OUR lives. We need Jesus. We need a Savior, but we also need time for Him to save us. We need to be learning and listening to Jesus, just as Mary does in this story. Martha was wrong in being “distracted by all the preparations that had to be made.” (v. 40) Jesus responds saying that Mary “has chosen what is better.” It sure makes me think.

Even today, 5 days from departure, I have quite the lengthy to-do list, but first on my list should be sitting and enjoying His blessings. I should be soaking up his love, spirit, and forgiveness, not worrying about checking things off my list.

But, I should make myself clear. The Bible also says that man is also made to work. From Genesis 2 throughout the rest of the Bible, it talks about laboring for the Lord, etc. In Genesis 2:15, God put man in the Garden of Eden to “work and take care of it.” So, that being said, yes we do indeed need to spend quiet time with the Lord, but not turning that into laziness and gluttony.

My prayer for you is that you continuously seek to find alone time with God, that you rejoice in all His blessings in your life, and that you go, read this story, and ask what God, Himself, is trying to reveal to you through this passage.

I eagerly await my departure on Tuesday morning, but until then, I “will rejoice in the Lord always.” (Phil 4:4)