Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Faith requires patience. Faith requires love. Faith requires endurance. It requires trails. Faith requires laughter. It requires both the good times and the bad times. Faith requires blindness. Faith requires obedience. It requires response.

In Mexico: walking, speaking in Spanish, laughing at ourselves constantly, watching too many sunrises when all we want to do is sleep, being stared at, leading bible studies, sharing testimonies, riding the metro, navigating the city...or helping Mexicans navigate the city (terrifying, I know...I'm just a gringa!), going to ministries, getting sick but knowing that healing is coming, living with strangers that we now consider family, trusting strangers, making friends, learning Spanish, etc. ALL have required so much faith.

Having faith in the Lord can be difficult. But, if it wasn't hard, I think that we would take advantage of how great God's faithfulness is for us. And, honestly, just how great He is! A couple of days ago, my family and I were riding back from one of our weekly bible studies and How Great Thou Art came on the radio (but of course it was in Spanish). We all kind of started humming, and then bursting into song when the chorus hit. I was overfilled with joy as we drove through the busy streets of the city. Even a two and five year old knew that God's faithfulness is great! It's so beautiful. I often forget about how much Jesus sacrificed for me, because I'm so preoccupied about what I "sacrificed" to be in Mexico. But let's be real for a second, I sacrificed next to n o t h i n g to follow the Lord on this journey. He continues to be the greatest teacher in my life, and I'm so thankful for that. The Lord is good. How Great Thou Art (Cuán Gran es Él)!